totes of hope 4 teens
When all you have is a garbage bag to pack your things, you might believe you are garbage as well...
You can donate to Totes of Hope and Point Hope will purchase and distribute the bags to foster care agencies and the teens they serve
Toiletries and Comfort Items to Fill a Tote ($25)
Purchase an empty Tote to Fill ($30)
Ready-to-Go Tote: tote and toiletries, all in one ($50)
Find a Need, Fill a Tote...
Imagine being a teenager grappling with the transition into adolescence and independence all alone. That is the situation facing thousands of young people who face aging out of foster care alone every year. These teens need support, guidance, and family--now and for the rest of their lives. Perhaps you aren't in a place to support a child physically, but you can still help fill a vital and existence-affirming need.
Even prior to reaching the point of aging out of the system, teenagers in foster care are often forgotten kids, as the younger children often receive more focused attention. If there is a problem in a home placement, when the child is a teen, the easiest, and most usual, solution is to move the youth.
This is reality. Teens don't usually have a suitcase or bag of their own and when the need emerges to move them and the few possessions they can put together in the space of 15 minutes, the one thing at hand to put it all in is a garbage bag. Foster care agencies don't have the resources to outfit each child in their charge with a bag to use and to keep. So the garbage bag "duffle" continues to be the standard.
Totes of Hope 4 Teens is a solution to the immediate needs of young people in foster care--a simple gesture which provides humanity and hope.
- You can collect and distribute these bags by forming a Point of Hope Chapter in your community; or
- You can purchase the bags and supplies and send them to Point Hope for us to distribute