Adam Sandow still finds time to work in his field of Nutrition. Here he is working with a volunteer to measure a child for clinical malnourishment during the Point Hope Community Nutrition Outreach project done periodically in villages throughout the Central Region in Ghana.
Adam and Jemi and one of their two children, their son, Perez.
Adam Sandow, In-Country Director
As the In-Country Director of Point Hope Ghana, Adam puts in long hours and works tirelessly on behalf of the vulnerable people Point Hope works with in local Ghanaian communities and the displaced people living in refugee settlements or “camps” within Ghana. Although he has officially been with Point Hope Ghana since 2012, he has worked alongside Point Hope on matters of nutrition since 2008.
He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Community Nutrition, a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition as well as a Master's Degree in Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Studies and Project Management and has over a decade's experience in administering health, nutrition, food security and economic empowerment projects that have been focused on helping vulnerable populations in West Africa. Adam is a consultant to the United Nation's High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) and other organizations in areas of Nutrition, Project Management, and Monitoring and Evaluation. Having been in this field for some time now, he has developed the passion and love for working to bring relief to impoverished households and communities.
Adam is married to Jamila (Jemi), an incredible emergency room nurse, and is the proud father of two children, Birgita and Perez.